Before we start, why not introduce yourself to us, tell us a little more about yourself and why you love using

What brought you to

This was the course of my life; I became a model due to financial shortages but also to the fact that I wanted to know myself better.

What makes you laugh the most?

I’m usually a cheerful person, and I like to surround myself with funny people.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

I would like to live somewhere near a beach, or near the mountains. I haven’t chosen a specific place yet, but it must be something spectacular.

What would you change about yourself and why?

I think I would change some physical imperfections.

What motivates you to work hard?

I work hard for my family and my plans for the future.

What is your favourite thing about your career?

being a model, I really like that by doing this, and I can be myself.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

I am very proud of my family and the award I won as AW brand ambassador.

If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?

I never thought about that. I’m sure I’d love to do something I’ve never done before, but I don’t know what.

What would you sing at a karaoke night?

All this love

Would you rather win the lottery or work in the perfect job? And why?

I would like to win the lottery and have a perfect job, too  haha

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

I wish I could control the time.

Do you collect anything? What is it and why?

I am a great collector of moments. I love to remember beautiful times.

What do you do to keep fit?

I like walking, and I try not to eat too much fat.

Which celebrity would you like to meet up for a coffee with? Why?

Dwayne Johnson or Angelina Jolie. I think their style of being is very inspirational and motivating.

What was your first job?


What brought you to

Like many other models, financial problems.

What is the last text message you sent?

I sent an email to one of the members I’m talking to ask him how he’s doing, and I also sent a text message to the lady who takes care of my hair removal.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Be strong and keep your tears for another day!

What’s your guilty pleasure?


What’s something you say you’ll do but never will?

the fact that I will meet an unknown man.

What was the most memorable sexual experience you’ve had? And why?

I am a more romantic person; I like dating and having sex after a movie night.

What is your biggest peeve with modern technology?

I do not have

What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve ever had about a total stranger?

To turn him into a submissive man.

Do you prefer sex at night, in the morning, mid-afternoon, or NOW?

Does not matter.

What’s your favourite way to be seduced?

I like it when a man is romantic with me.

What’s the dirtiest fantasy you’ve had at work?

I think all my mistress work.

How would you dominate your boss sexually if given the chance?

I would turn him into my submissive slave.

What do you do when you get horny in public?

I run all the exciting moments in my mind and smile.

Have you ever masturbated in a public bathroom?


What’s the weirdest thing you’ve thought about while touching yourself?

I would tie my boyfriend and pour wax on his hot body.

What’s the strangest prop you’ve used to get yourself off?

I use dildos with or without vibrations.

Who gave you your first orgasm?

My first boyfriend.

Do you remember what that first orgasm felt like?

Yes, I remember it was very strong and intense, and I was very wet.

Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?


What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?

The fact that when you are aroused, and you want to do a quick one, you can end up in some very strange positions.

What’s the most sexually daring thing you’ve ever done?


Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex? What was it like?

YES! it was very exciting

What kind of porn turns you on?

Dom-sub ones

What’s the dirtiest thing someone’s ever said to you during sex?

He said he wanted to lick my ass.

How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?

If this couple allowed me to be their mistress, I would accept.

What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?

That I look like a goddess!

If you had to pick, would you be a dominatrix or a submissive?

Dominatrix for sure

Where do you buy your underwear?

Mostly online stores, or from the mall.

What do you talk about when you sext?

I usually like to imagine what we would do to each other if we were together at that moment.

What’s the craziest thing you’ve done to attract a crush?

I accepted, for the first time, my role as mistress.

What’s the most embarrassing TV show you watch? Why is it embarrassing?

It’s an old show, I don’t know what it’s called anymore, but it shows how different characters cheat on each other, how they get caught and what naughty things they do.

What’s the most bizarre sexual role-play you’ve ever participated in?

I had to pretend I was a gypsy.

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

Both of them.

What is your biggest turn off in a partner?

I don’t like it when my partner is not respectful.

If you had your own TV talk show, who would your first three guests be and why?

I think my first guests would be the personalities who inspired my life the most.

Which song best describes your life?

“Ordinary life”

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