What Women Notice on a First Date

They say that the first 7 seconds of meeting someone are the most crucial in the impression you make on them.  They also say that the devil is in the details.  Before you start dragging out your crucifix, that little ditty basically means that something that might seem simple at a first will take more work than at first expected.

So, you’re going on your first date with the lucky lady and you definitely want to make a good first impression.  Men, listen up – here’s what women are going to notice about you on the first date.

The Way You Dress

Women like well-groomed men.  So, make sure you wear clean and ironed clothes.  She’ll notice your hands, so cut those nails and make sure you have clean hands.  Don’t forget to groom your hair.  She’ll notice your shoes too.  So, even if you wear your Sunday best and then put on scuffed shoes, you might as well say good night and go home.  And make sure you’ve showered, Old Spice is not going to cover the smell of stale sweat! Speaking of cologne, while a touch can be a big turn on, keep your trigger finger off the nozzle and don’t overdo it.

Mannerisms and Etiquette

From the way you greet her to how you conduct yourself through the date is important.  So, offer a firm handshake and make good eye contact.  Smile easily and give her your full attention.  Forget your phone for the evening, unless it’s a matter of life or death.  Aim to arrive early – that way, even if you are delayed, you’ll be on time.  Listen attentively and don’t interrupt her while she’s talking.  You want her to feel that you are interested in getting to know her.  And do the chivalrous thing.  Holding the door open for anyone, male or female, is only polite.

Language and Voice

Just as you will listen to her, she will be interested in knowing about you too.  Your language says a lot about your personality.  So, forego the colourful language.  It might help to read some good books (beyond Playboy’s articles) and get your knowledge and vocabulary up to speed.  At the same time, be careful not to appear condescending or high-handed.  Women love men with a good sense of humour.  You don’t need to be a stand-up comedian, but you should be capable of some witty repartee.

The Way You Listen

Although we’ve mentioned this before, it needs an entire section for itself.  This is because you are getting to know each other on a first date.  So, it needs to be a two-way street. If you’re talking about your love for your dog, ask her if she has any pets, don’t just move on to the next thing about you.  Involve her in the conversation.  Ask her about herself and then acknowledge what she shares.  This will leave a positive impression because she will feel respected.

Body Language

Body language is as important as the spoken word.  So, along with an attentive posture and a ready smile, make sure your eye contact doesn’t turn into staring.  Avoid any gestures that might come across as aggressive or closed-off.  On a first date, even subtle hand gestures could make the wrong impression.  Keep your arms unfolded to show your openness to getting to know her.  Don’t clench your fists and certainly don’t stare at other women.


Most importantly, have a good time.  When you are enjoying yourself, you encourage your date to fun have too.

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