Unveiling the Secrets of Fantasizing About Other Women: Two Expert Theories April 4, 2024 Community, News Do you fantasize about other women? There are two theories from experts about this issue. Firstly, one should know that they are not the only ones who have erotic fantasies about other women, even if they are deeply in love with the woman they have by their side. Also, one should be aware that erotic fantasies about third parties are common in both men and women, and experts have two different theories about why this happens. Theory No. 1 That of dream analyst Lauri Loewenberg, who has written the relevant book “Dream On It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life.” Our friend Lauri argues that dreaming about other known and unknown women should not necessarily be interpreted in the obvious way (that you want to experience the dream). On the contrary, she says it signifies the drive, desire, and need – call it what you will – to acquire whatever non-sexual characteristic the specific person possesses. For example, do you see inappropriate things happening with a girl who seems very relaxed? Bingo! You’re stuck, feeling tense, and need to loosen up. Do you fantasize about having an intellectual conversation with a colleague from the adjacent office? Think about what attractive qualities you admire in her (okay, besides her breasts); is she more organized? More consistent? Maybe you want to take that from her and not just the satisfaction of taking off her underwear. Theory No. 2 “In dreams, a woman usually symbolizes a man’s creative and intuitive instincts,” claims Ian Wallace, a dream psychologist. “Such a dream implies something suppressed, repressed.” And for conclusion, Wallace adds, “The one who sees it wants to create, to become better. Probably he lacks confidence in his own abilities.” However, if the above interpretation is too much for you, limit it to the fact that dreaming of infidelity indicates something missing in your relationship (like good sex, for example). Of course, there is always the option to simply enjoy the show without overanalyzing it. In reality, nothing happened, my friend… Follow us on Twitter: here Show some love Share this