If you’re on the lookout for a movie to watch, fret not, as we’ve got you covered! Presenting three must-watch movies you might have missed, handpicked by our entertainment editors. Is there anything better than watching a homemade amateur movie? Well, check it out for yourself. What’s not to love?

And in case you didn’t know, our platform has more than 390+ movie clips to choose from.
Make some popcorn and enjoy!

What to watch?

Twitter: Abby Addison
AW Profile: AbbyAddison

Twitter: ❤️xRosieValentine❤️
AW Profile Link: xRosieValentine

Twitter: Dirty Little Lucy
AW Profile: DirtyLittleLucy

With this, let’s wrap up our little list. What was your favourite movie? Feel free to let us know by contacting us on Twitter.

I can’t wait to see what the next editor’s choice list of movies has in store for us. But until then,
I’ll (re)watch every single one on this list. 💦

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