End of Year Accolades 2021 – EnglishSienna

And the 1st Sex Worker in the End of Year Accolades 2021 is… drum roll please… EnglishSienna! Knowing she wanted to get into the industry early, she didn’t waste any time once she’d turned 18. Read on to find out more about this year’s favourite sex worker.


How did you transition into adult entertainment?

The adult industry has always been something I was interested in.

I had always imagined what it would be like to be an escort. The day I turned 18 I applied for my first job in the industry and I haven’t looked back since.

I personally believe the adult industry is extremely empowering towards women.

What’s the best/worst gift you’ve ever received from a customer?

There are too many to choose from to narrow it down, however last year I was taken to London by a client who treated me to a little shopping spree. I was treated to a new Fendi bag, a Burberry coat and two Givenchy outfits. He was lovely, a true gentleman.

Who amongst your friends and family is your biggest supporter?

My mum is by far my biggest supporter, she’s never once judged me for the job I do.  She understands it’s something I’ve always wanted to do and she accepts that.

What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

A lot haha. I don’t regret a single thing as it made me the person I am today.

Who are you most likely to be stuck on a desert island with?

My Duo partner Bailey-James, she’s a right nuisance haha.

If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?

I would definitely have time travel as my chosen superpower.

Which song always gets you on the dance floor?

My current favourite songs are ‘Secret’ by Ann Marie and ‘Worth It’ by YK Osiris.

What’s your favourite body part and why?

Definitely my bum. A lot of hard work and determination has gone into keeping it this way, it’s perfection to me.

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like?

It would be with my work colleagues, on a beach abroad, sun, bikinis and mocktails.

What else could you ask for?

What are the best and the worst things about the work you do?

In my personal opinion, there’s so many positives to the job. I don’t drink myself so it’s not just a job, it’s a social life also.

Meeting new people, different places and different faces.

What advice would you give someone who wanted to follow in your footsteps to get into camming or the adult entertainment industry in general?

Firstly, I would say to start agency based, that way you have a sense of security. Being independent is great but I would always advise someone who’s never worked in the industry before to start with an agency, to ensure their safety.

Secondly, make sure your heart is in it. Don’t just do it for the money, I’ve seen a lot of girls turn into someone I could no longer recognise.

Set your rules, your limits and stand by them.

What is the number one life lesson that you learnt doing this work?

That you’re good enough. Before I was involved in the sex industry I was a shell of a person. This job made me into the person I am today. It gave me confidence, it gave me the motivation to do better in life and it continues to make me feel empowered every single day.

Do you have a Twitter profile? What is your Twitter handle?

I do yeah! My Twitter is SiennaDaviess


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