Interview with MimiGlamourTS

Wow, what a treat, we’ve had the luck to interview with the stunning cammer MimiGlamourTS.  She told us about her life and how she started out working in a shop, getting paid in crisps and biscuits to becoming a cammer on with “glamorous titties” over the last ten years.

What brought you to

In all honesty, I needed the extra cash back then, it was about 10 years ago now.  It was suggested to me, that I looked into webcamming, as my modelling shots on social media always received praise & high interaction.

After researching legitimate web sites to work with and weighing up the pros and cons, I found myself signing up to  I’m not going to lie, it took me a few months to get my head around the client base and the new work routine but here we are one of the top-rated trans girls on the Site.

If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

I’m from the Philippines and I believe that there’s no place like home.  If I ever become wealthy, my plan is to buy a house, preferably on the Filipino coast (we have one of the best sunsets in the world) and live there during the UK winter, I’d return I the summer so I can avoid the 40-degree heat of Asia.

What would you change about yourself and why?

My loving and trusting heart, it needs to get tougher.  I expect people, who I allow to get close to me, to treat me the way I would treat them.  This often ends in disappointment and heartbreak.  The right guy will have all of me and I will have all of him… One day.

What motivates you to work hard?

Money… the freedom and life improvements that it brings.

What do you enjoy most about your career?

The ability to speak and interact with different types of people.  Not just men, women constantly engage with me, it’s fascinating to hear their interesting stories.  Coming from the other side of the world and learning about peoples lives broadens my mind, and theirs.  Be it sexual or personal, there are so many things to understand and share.  When someone is sexually relaxed, they tend to speak more freely.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

It’s difficult to choose one over another.  Quitting smoking (17 years ago), learning how to drive, working and saving to pay for my lifelong dream of breast augmentation surgery or even moving to the UK and bring able to start a completely new life.  They all shape me and are equally valuable.

What would you sing on karaoke night?

Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston.  It’s the first song I learnt as a child and was my contest piece when I used to partake in local singing contests in the Philippines.  The angelic voice never went away.

If you were a superhero, what powers would you have?

Teleportation so I can go back to the Philippines to see my friends and family in a matter of seconds.  Imagine all the money saved from not spending it on airfare.

What do you do to keep fit?

I’m a gym bunny wherever I can be but, with the current pandemic, I’ve been doing all my exercise at home.  Two dogs keep me on the go, the three of us get out for a park walk every day, which benefits my mental health immensely.

Which celebrity would you like to meet up for a coffee with? Why?

Mariah Carey!  Not only is she the greatest singer, but she’s one of the most underrated songwriters.  I would probably just silently cry and stare at her for the first few minutes, then say thank you for the songs she’s written, especially the ones that have carried me through challenging and difficult times.

What was your first job?

When I was young, back home, our family used to have a small shop, “sari-sari” store, which translates to variety.  I would help my Mother, serve and maintain the store, before or after school and at the weekends.  All to be paid in crisps and biscuits, which I guess back then, wasn’t too bad.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

My Dad would always say “the longest journey starts with a single step”.  When you want something, you have a dream or ambition and you feel it’s impossible, it can feel overwhelming.  Looking at it as ‘one step at a time’, the day will come that you will look up from your feet and you will see you’ve arrived at your destination.

What’s the dirtiest thought you’ve had about a total stranger?

Now winter is here in the UK, it means trackies and joggers season.  When I catch a glimpse of the right guy wearing them at the gym, my temperature starts to rise.  I just want to grab that soft, fluffy material covered bulge and introduce myself.

Do you prefer sex at night in the morning, mid-afternoon or NOW?


What do you do when you get horny in public?

This is a difficult problem for a trans woman, I like to be tucked at all times, especially when I’m wearing lycra, PVC or shapely clothes.  It’s such an awkward and difficult position to be in, uncomfortable but yet titillating.  When the mood strikes randomly, a handbag is always a handy way to cover that random boner whilst walking down the street.  I’ve had to dive into a cafe, bar or restaurant in the past to relieve the situation and relax.

Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you never knew?

No, because I always want to know the name that I’m about to be screaming.

What’s your favourite thing about a quickie?

Instant gratification.  A quickie is like having Chinese takeaway for dinner, it’s delicious and fills you up but you’re hungry again in five minutes.

What kind of porn turns you on?

Amateur porn, I love homemade videos.  I’m not a big fan of orchestrated and super glossy films.  Authenticity and realness get me off.

How would you respond if a couple approached you to be their “third”?

If they were a good looking couple, “WHEN?”.

What’s the most flattering thing someone’s said about your naked body?

“You look and taste delicious”.

Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

Rewind, I think the perfectionist and OCD in me would like to have a trial period for challenging situations in life and eradicate the error.

Has the Coronavirus lockdown affected you? If so, how?

Like everyone, it has, yes.  After logging off, I crave face-to-face human interaction, to make a clear separation between the cyber world and the real one.  Covid is massively disrupting that, it can be really tough.

What are your hopes for 2021?

Primarily for the science communities Covid vaccine to be a success.  Secondly, for people to learn lessons from this experience and be more empathetic.  I’m hoping that 2021 will be a lot better and have a return to normality.  I think we all want and deserve that.


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