End of Year Accolades 2020 – Charli Pristine

After winning 3rd place at the End of Year Accolades 2020, we caught up with the stunning Charli Pristine.  We wanted to know more and to find out her plans for 2021.  Read on for her full interview below.

How did you get into this industry?

It’s funny I actually started off as a sugar baby, not knowing anything about escorting then I discovered AdultWork.com and I haven’t looked back since.

What keeps you coming back to adultwork.com?

My clients.

What do you feel makes you unique as a sex worker?

I get to offer a unique experience to each individual I see and I genuinely enjoy what I do, as I can connect well with different people from all walks of life.  Everyone I meet feels instantly comfortable around me so that helps and being able to tour all over the UK giving different people the opportunity to see me.  Winning a competition the first time I enter tells me my hard work pays off and my clients know I’m different and unique which I’m grateful for and happy about.

2020 was a difficult year for most people. What kept you smiling during the year?

2020 wasn’t that difficult for me.  I just took it as a time to chill and relax and catch up on things I didn’t have time to do when I was busy working.

Did you find you had any new guilty pleasures in 2020?

I’d probably say pegging because it gives me a sense of control and power and I’ve come to the realisation that that’s a real turn on for me.

Can you tell us something about you that not many people know?

I am ambidextrous.  Sex work isn’t my only talent.

If you could change your location, where would you be?

Australia because I like it when people go down under.  That and I like the accent.

Would you consider yourself to be the crazy one or the sensible one? Would your friends agree with you?

The sensible one and yeah.

What’s the first ‘night out’ you’re going to have when lockdown ends?

It would have to be cocktails with my best friends.

What have you missed most during the 2020 lockdowns?

Not being able to go out and see my friends and family.  That and not working for so long.

What do you do to relax?

Have a bubble bath, watch Netflix and sleep.

If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Independent, funny and defiant.

What makes you laugh without fail?

My best friend’s laugh.  She’s got one of those laughs that’s funnier than the joke.

What motivates you to work hard?

I have many goals and ambitions in life that I’m getting done thanks to the work I do.

Which celebrity would you like to meet up for coffee with? Why?

Ellen Degeneres because she’s hilarious and she’s met most of the celebrities I’d like to see so she can tell me all the funny stories.

What kind of porn is your ‘go to’?

I like variety in life so porn isn’t any different.  I get bored having just one thing.

What was your last job?

I was a hairdresser.

If you had to describe your life a film title, what would it be? 

A series of unfortunate events.

What is the best chat-up line you’ve ever heard, or the worst?

They’re all equally as bad.  I couldn’t choose just one.

What are your plans for 2021?

More travelling as I love visiting and learning about different cultural and exotic places. I have a long bucket list of countries I’m slowly ticking off and I can’t wait to get back out there again and see the world.


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